Tag Archive: postnatal health

  1. Breastfeeding covers: Options for discrete nursing

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    The journey of motherhood brings a host of joys and challenges, and for many new mums, breastfeeding in public can be one such challenge. Remember, nursing covers aren’t required for breastfeeding in public, but it can be intimidating, especially in the early days when nipple contortion is an unfortunate necessity. When you don’t always get the luxury of choosing to be somewhere quiet at feed times, cover-ups can help make the experience more discrete for you. They can also provide a calming atmosphere for your baby, and help them concentrate on the job at hand if they are prone to getting distracted during feeds.

    There are many on the market, but most will fall into one of these 3 styles; let’s explore the pros and cons of each option.

    Apron style breastfeeding covers

    With an adjustable strap that goes around your neck and material that drapes over your torso, apron-style cover-ups allow a customisable fit that will accommodate different body shapes and provide good coverage, so you can feel confident in your privacy whilst breastfeeding.

    • They allow you to see your baby: Many feature rigid neckline designs, which keep the top of the apron away from your chest and allow you to visualise latching, and maintain eye contact with your baby while nursing. This helps with bonding and connection between you and baby, and may make feeding a newborn easier when it’s not always straightforward and you need to keep an eye on the situation!
    • Ventilation: The rigid neckline also provides a bit of ventilation which you both may be grateful for in the hot summer months – it’s no fun for either of you if you’re uncomfortably sweaty.
    • Potentially less discreet: Because apron style covers are obviously breastfeeding covers, you may feel they draw attention to the act of breastfeeding rather than concealing it. Do remember though, breastfeeding in public should not be something to be ashamed of. It’s beautiful and natural – be proud.

    Click here for our favourite apron cover

    Scarf style breastfeeding covers

    Breastfeeding scarfs blend functionality with style, easily transitioning from a stylish accessory to a nursing aid without any effort. When worn, they are ready to use at any point during the day, and allow for very discrete feeding.

    • Often lightweight material: The soft and lightweight fabric of breastfeeding scarfs ensures comfort for the baby and breathability for the mother, making them useable all year round, but particularly useful in summer.
    • Can be hard to see baby underneath: A scarf will naturally conform to your baby’s shape. This can make seeing your baby underneath difficult if you want to keep your breast covered at the same time. Particularly with newborns, this can be cumbersome and awkward, potentially lead to moments of frustration when nursing in public.
    • Versatile design: The large swathes of material mean they can double up as sunshades, blankets, or even car seat covers, making them a practical choice for mums on the go.

    Here is a high recommended and well priced scarf

    Poncho style breastfeeding covers

    Unsurprisingly designed like a poncho, these have ample material to slip baby underneath to feed. They have pros and cons very similar to scarf style cover-ups. Available in many patterns, they can be worn as a stylish day-to-day top, always ready for those impromptu feeds. They are available in a variety of fabrics so you can tailor your choice to the season, ensuring comfort for you and your baby. The drawbacks are that you are unable to see your baby feed underneath them, so they are best suited for established breastfeeding rather than newborns who may need your time and help to latch on and maintain feeding.

    Here is our favourite poncho


    Using a breastfeeding cover can help you feed modestly, allowing you to feel confident to breastfeed in public. They can also be incredibly versatile, and you may find your preference (and that of your baby!) changes with time. There are many different options available, and the best one for you will be a very personal choice. You may find having good visibility of your baby makes feeding a newborn easier. Established breast feeders will generally cope with more versatile options, but you still need to consider the practicality, the preference of you and your baby, and the season, when making your choice.

    You can use a cover-up for as long as you want in your breastfeeding journey, but as breastfeeding becomes more familiar and easier over time, you may feel the need for a cover diminishes. Ultimately, the most important factor is that both you and baby are comfortable and able to breastfeed successfully.


    The 7 Best Nursing Covers for Breastfeeding Moms (gentlenursery.com)

    How to Use Breastfeeding Cover: Discreet Nursing – Health 4 Littles


    This article has been written by Sophie Platt

    Sophie lives with her husband, two young girls (Megan and Jessica), and their daft spaniel, Louie. While her post-natal journey with Megan was very typical, Jess was born 2 months prematurely, with a congenital heart defect and Down Syndrome, giving Sophie first-hand experience dealing with a wide range of circumstances. When she’s not wearing her ‘mum’ hat, Sophie works as a small animal Veterinary Surgeon, and enjoys dabbling with some veterinary and medical writing in addition to her clinical work.

  2. Beating the Incontinence Stigma: The Best Postpartum Pads and Pants 2024

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    A lot of mums feel embarrassed about the changes in their bodies after giving birth, but they shouldn’t.

    1 in 3 women experience urinary incontinence, and studies show that 10% of mums suffer with bowel incontinence after giving birth. Embarrassment has led those suffering with incontinence to not report their symptoms. The National Childbirth Trust reports that 38% of mums who suffer with incontinence admit they were reluctant to speak to their GP at first about the symptoms associated with it.

    Incontinence and the shame around it is so common among both new (and experienced) mums that the MASIC Foundation have gathered stories from those suffering with it. Many women share how they feel“ unclean, degraded, unhappy and isolated” when suffering with their symptoms, and Luce Brett (author of PMSL) shared how mums shouldn’t hide away when it comes to expressing how they feel.

    But, just because it’s not often spoken about does not mean it doesn’t happen!

    So, why does it happen?

    It makes sense that urinary incontinence and/or bowel incontinence symptoms arise due to the toll of childbirth and pregnancy on the body. Your pelvic floor muscles (which support your bladder, uterus, and rectum) can become weakened during pregnancy due to the weight of your growing baby, and during delivery as your baby passes through the birth canal.

    Due to the stress on your pelvic floor muscles before and after birth, the pressure on your bladder may lead to it leaking without your intention – e.g. when laughing, coughing, or moving suddenly such as during exercise. It is possible to experience a greater urgency to wee, or a mixture of both stress and urgency on the bladder.

    Bowel incontinence is common because during the process of labour, pushing can harm the muscles that open and close your bowels. Signs that you may be experiencing bowel incontinence include: finding it difficult to hold in poo when you need to go, passing wind without intention, or you may be noticing stains in your underwear as a result of either factors.

    The Mumie app contains loads of resources around incontinence of the bladder and bowels, plus lots of other taboo topics like prolapse and even the best way to poo for your pelvic floor. Sign up using the link here.

    There are ways to alleviate both the pains and discomfort of incontinence during your postnatal period and beyond.

    To start you off, we’ve done the homework for you and have put together a variety of incontinence pads and pants available across a range of needs:

    For those with heavy flows:

    Abena premium | Single-use | £4.99 for 15 on Amazon


    Boots Ultra Slim Maternity Towels 12s | Single-use | Winged | £1.55 at Boots

    Best for night-time

    Always Discreet Incontinence Pads Plus Woman Ultimate Night X 12 | Single-use | Not winged | £4.89 (Boots)


    Boots Everyday Maxi-Towels Night 10s | Single-use | Not winged | £0.90 from Boots

    For those who have sensitive skin:

    TENA Lights Sensitive Ultra Pads (16 pack) | Single-use | Not winged | £2.99 Superdrug (on offer £2.50 as of 18/3/24) or £34.99 for 8 packs of 16 on Amazon

    Best discreet

    TENA Discreet Extra Incontinence Pads for Bladder Weakness 10pk | Single-use | Not winged | £2.55 Boots (26p per pad) or £14.40 for 72pc multipack at Amazon


    Always Discreet Sensitive Bladder Pads Plus Women Long x20 | Single Use | Not Winged | £4.89 for 20 (24p per pad) at Boots

    Best long-term/reusable

    Best for bowel incontinence

    Staydry Extra Plus Pads | 10pk | Single Use | Boots £2.29

    Managing your symptoms

    If you are suffering from incontinence, the NHS recommends starting with exercising your pelvic floor muscles. There are a range of resources online to help you with pelvic floor exercises, with full instruction provided in the Mumie app, videos on Youtube, and specialist apps such as NHS recommended ‘Squeezy’.

    Sometimes lifestyle changes are recommended to alleviate symptoms, such as diet changes, and reducing alcohol and caffeine where appropriate.

    Don’t forget to contact your GP

    It is typical to experience incontinence within the first few weeks after birth, but some women experience certain symptoms for longer. Incontinence is unfortunately common after having a baby, but should never be accepted as “normal.” Be sure to check in with your GP if you have concerns about ongoing, worsening or unusual accompanying symptoms. It’s important to remember that incontinence is a treatable condition in most cases.

    Tayla Halfacre is a Writer, Director and Editor. Her work often centres gender, sexuality, and social impact. She has published poetry in Cobra Milk and has poetry forthcoming with Carrion Press. In 2022 she was selected to be part of the Writer’s Lab with BFI Network X Northampton Film Festival, and selected to develop her play ‘Lesbian Line’ based on the community support landline by The Masque Theatre and Playhouse Theatre. She is interested in reducing stigmas and raising awareness around women’s health.

  3. An Unexpected Postnatal Diagnosis

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    Most of us have dreamed of being a parent. We imagine how wonderful it will be, what our children will look like, spending holidays watching them play on the beach. We know that it’s not going to be easy, of course – the sleep deprivation, sacrificing your social life, the everlasting ‘mum guilt’. But nonetheless, we crave it.

    Having your baby diagnosed with a disability may feel like all your expectations, hopes and dreams for the future have just come crashing down around you. Everyone will deal with an unexpected diagnosis differently. There’s no textbook here, and struggling with the news is just as valid as taking it in your stride. As well as processing the potential long-term implications, you may also be dealing with a prolonged stay in hospital before being able to take your baby home. Don’t underestimate how hard this can be.

    You will probably go through a horde of emotions; grief for the baby you thought you were going to have, anger that it’s happened to you, sadness that life no longer looks the same. These feelings might linger for weeks, months, or even years; it’s a process that may take time, but you WILL get to a point of acceptance, and contentment.

    If you’re in the early days following a diagnosis, and you’re not really sure which way is up, here are a few tips to guide you along that road to contentment.


    Communicate openly with your partner, your family, your friends. A lot of people will be unsure about how to react to the news too – it’s hard for them to land the balance between being supportive and understanding, without tipping over into pity and patronisation. Take time to explain things to people. Having them treading on eggshells for fear of saying the wrong thing is only going to make them feel awkward, and you feel frustrated. Have open conversations rather than bottling up little irritations; there’s only so much that bottle will hold.

    Acknowledge your true feelings

    Be honest with yourself from the start. When there’s a flood of tears sitting just behind your eyes and someone asks, ‘how are you?’, let those tears escape. There’s no shame in feeling overwhelmed, scared, or desperately sad. Remember emotions are complex, and not mutually exclusive; you can love your baby immensely and still feel angry. Mental health is at the forefront these days and there’s lots of support out there. Your GP or Health Visitor will be able to signpost you to the most appropriate help if you need it – don’t be afraid to ask. There are also services you can self-refer to if you prefer, such as Home-Start or your local NHS Improving Access to Talking Therapies (IAPT) service. Click here to search for your local service.

    Keep a diary

    You may never read it again, you may dig it out in 10 years and see how far you’ve come, or you may publish it! Regardless, the simple act of writing can be a helpful way to process things. From facts, feelings and helpful advice you have been given, to ignorant comments you wish you’d never heard, writing it down helps. And it’s a great way to pass help pass those long days sitting beside an incubator in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

    Surround yourself with the right people

    It can be exhausting explaining things over and over, to people who love you and want to support you, but just don’t quite ‘get it’. Having a conversation with someone who knows what sats, UACs, CPAP, Nutriprem and SaLT* are, will be a mighty relief. Find these people. There’s no substitution for someone going through the same thing as you – whether that’s talking to other parents during your time in NICU, or finding local disability support groups. You will probably feel more comfortable talking about your true feelings with these people, without the fear of being judged. People on the same journey will become an invaluable source of knowledge, advice and support, and lifelong friendships often bud from these unique shared experiences.

    Embrace the highs

    Parenting is riddled with highs and lows. I think it’s fair to say that if you have a child with special needs, the lows will be lower, but the highs will be higher. You will see other typical kids smashing their milestones without any real effort at all. Yes, their parents will be proud. But as a parent of a child with a disability, when you see the determination, the hard work, the strength it takes for your child to grasp that toy, or to take their first step, you won’t just be proud, you will feel like they have just won an Olympic medal. Embrace these highs, they are humbling and beautiful.

    Don’t compare your baby to others

    This is easier said than done, and it might take years before you can truly do it! Seeing other children race ahead in their development compared to yours is hard, there’s no denying it. You may find social media can be very isolating in these circumstances, and giving yourself a break from it might be helpful. Try to concentrate on your child alone. See their progress, accept it might be slower or more limited, and remember how rewarding those achievements are going to be.

    So, you may have found yourself on a different path to the one you expected, a member of a club you didn’t anticipate joining. But having a child with a disability will open up a new world for you; a world of humility, appreciation and gratitude. The experiences you will have, and the people you will meet along the way are going to enrich your life in ways you haven’t yet imagined. Take a minute to read this poignant short story, ‘Welcome To Holland’ written by an American author, Emily Perl Kingsley, who had an unexpected diagnosis of Down Syndrome when her son was born. It beautifully captures the experience of receiving a diagnosis, and serves as a metaphorical reminder to embrace life’s winding path. Holland is beautiful, too.

    Sophie Platt lives with her husband, two young girls (Megan and Jessica), and their daft spaniel, Louie. While her post-natal journey with Megan was very typical, Jess was born 2 months prematurely, with a congenital heart defect and Down Syndrome, giving Sophie first-hand experience dealing with a wide range of circumstances. When she’s not wearing her ‘mum’ hat, Sophie works as a small animal Veterinary Surgeon, and enjoys dabbling with some veterinary and medical writing in addition to her clinical work.

    *Sats = oxygen saturations; UACs = Umbilical Artery Catheters, used to measure blood pressure in tiny babies in neonatal care; CPAP = Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, a form of breathing support used in neonatal units; Nutriprem = an infant milk formula designed for premature babies; SaLT = Speech and Language Therapy, also useful for assessing a baby’s swallow

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Privacy Policy

Updated: 18th May 2023 This privacy policy explains how Mumie ("we" or "us") collects, uses, and shares information about you when you access or use our website or web application ("App")  collectively our "Services".  Mumie is committed to complying with data protection and privacy law. We take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting your personal information. Please read this policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal data.

Information We Collect

We may collect the following types of information when you use our Services:
  • Personal Information: We may collect personal information, such as your name, email address, baby's date of birth and contact information when you create an account.
  • Health Information: We may collect health information such as your demographics and aspects of your medical history to provide you with personalised health recommendations and to help you track your progress
  • Device Information: We may collect information about the device you use to access the App, including the type of device, its operating system, and other technical information.
  • Usage Information: We may collect information about how you use the App, including your interactions with forms, features and content available through the App.
  • Website usage: Website users do not create accounts, however, may still be subject to certain passive data collection. Such passive data collection may include cookies (please refer to separate Cookie Policy), IP address information, location information, and certain browser data, such as history and/or session information.
Mumie is intended to be used by women who have recently given birth. It is not intended to be used by children.

How We Use Your Information

We may use the information we collect for the following purposes:
  1. To Provide Services: We use the information to provide you with the services offered by the App, including personalised health recommendations, and to improve the quality of those services.
  2. To Communicate: We may use your contact information to communicate with you about our Services, including updates, promotions, and other news.
  3. To Improve the App: We use the information to understand how users interact with the App and to improve its design, content and functionality.
  4. To Comply with Legal Obligations: We may use your information to comply with legal obligations, such as responding to court orders or complying with applicable laws.
We will store this information within our App so that you can have access to it for as long as you are our registered user. We may also use it for statistical and research purposes, but only in an aggregated and anonymised format (i.e., in a format that does not allow us to identify who this information relates to). The information you provide will be processed on one or more of the following lawful bases:
  • The consent you provide to us at the point of collection of your personal information, including explicit consent for processing special personal data to include health data
  • The performance of the contract we have with you
  • The compliance of a legal obligation to which we are subject
  • The performance of scientific research, preparation of statistics or public health activities
  • The legitimate interests of Mumie, you or a third party, where not overridden by your interests, fundamental rights or freedoms

How We Share Your Information

We may share your information with the following types of entities:
  1. Service Providers: We may share your information with service providers that help us operate the App or provide the services offered through the App.
  2. Business Partners: We may share your information with business partners, such as insurers or healthcare providers, to provide you with more personalised health recommendations.
  3. Legal Authorities: We may share your information with legal authorities, such as law enforcement agencies or courts, to comply with legal obligations or in response to a legal request.
We may share your information with other parties with your consent. Your information will not be transferred out of the UK.

Third-party links

The App and/or website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins, and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy notices and practices. When you leave the Web App or Website, we encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website or app you visit. In the event of acquisition of Mumie, your data may be shared with the new owners.


We may use your contact details to provide you with information about our work, events, services and/or activities which we consider may be of interest to you. Where we do this via email, SMS, or telephone, we will not do so without your prior consent. You are free to opt out from receiving marketing communications by following the "unsubscribe" link in our email, or by contacting us directly. We will get your express opt-in consent before we share your personal data with any third party for marketing purposes.

Security of Your Information

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered, or disclosed. Your data will be stored on a secure web server, with the app hosted on a trusted host provider with regular security update enhancements. Your personal data can only be accessed by those within Mumie who have a genuine need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instruction, and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so. While we will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard your personal data, you acknowledge that the use of the internet is not entirely secure and for this reason, we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal data that are transferred via the internet. We can not be held responsible for unauthorised access or use of your information that is beyond our control.

Data retention

We will only retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for. We may retain your personal data for a longer period in the event of a complaint or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation in respect to our relationship with you. Typically, we will not keep your personal data for longer than 5 years after you have closed your account on our App or stopped using it, after which point personal data will be destroyed. We may anonymise your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes, in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.

Your Rights

You have the right to access and control your personal information, including the right to be informed about what data we hold, the right to access this data, the right to rectify inaccurate data, the right to erase your data, the right to restrict or object to your information being used, and the right to move your data to another business. If you have any questions about your rights or would like to exercise your rights, please contact us using the information provided at the end of this policy. When signing up to our app you will be asked to provide your consent to share your information. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time and may do so by contacting us. You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (ico.org.uk) We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the ICO so please contact us in the first instance.

Changes to This Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time.  If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of the policy and, in some cases, we may provide you with additional notice (such as adding a statement to our website homepage or sending you a notification). We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy whenever you access the Services or otherwise interact with us to stay informed about our information practices and the choices available to you. Your continued use of our services after the effective date of the updated policy will constitute your acceptance of the revised policy.

Contact Us

The Party responsible for the processing of your personal data is Mama Health Ltd. The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Dr Laura Davies. The Data Protection Officer may be contacted using the contact us page on the website. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us using the contact page on our website or by emailing us at hello@mumie.health
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